Art.Chi. Texture I

Autor: Janet Vollebregt

Cadastrado em 07/03/2022

R$ 5.500,00

Data: 2015
Tipo de obra: Instalação
Técnica: quarzo cristal e acrílico sob madeira
Dimensões: A 0,35 x L 0,35 x P 0,08
Localização: Atelier 284
Cor primária: branco
Cor secundária: transparente
Descrição: Art.Chi.Textures refer to my background in Architecture, and my Feng Shui and Jin Shin Jyutsu studies. The work has an outspoken texture, rather three- than two-dimensional, sometimes close to abstract architectural maquettes. It however has an extra dimension, the dimension of energy or Chi and carries the properties of the crystals and mineral stones used. By placing an ‘Art.Chi.Texture’ in space, I intend to change or increase vibration in space and at the same time invite the users of that space to connect with (our) nature. The works also play with the perception of light, movement, space and time. Emerging from the canvas, the crystals bring forth the motions of light, illustrating nature’s constant change.

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